Source: ReturnPath

As an email subscriber, don’t you hate it when you receive marketing emails for deals in Texas, when you live in Washington? Or when you receive one of these messages at 4 am? Don’t you hate it even more when it becomes a repeat offense? Your annoyance will typically turn into frustration, leading you to click the ominous “This Is Junk” button.

As more mailbox providers use subscriber engagement to determine whether an email should land in the inbox or spam folder, it’s crucial for subscribers to engage with your email and show mailbox providers your messages are relevant and wanted. “But how do I get subscribers to engage with my email?” you might ask. One word: personalization. Think about it, wouldn’t you be more enticed to open an email for events or deals in your area? Even more, wouldn’t you be more likely to open an email for events or deals in your area that is also at the top of your inbox? This is why Return Path created Geo Email Monitor.


Geo Email Monitor is a tracking code integrated into the Email Client Monitor tool. Return Path retrieves the location of where your email was opened by using the location of the IP address returned in the user agent string (to find out what Email Client Monitor is and how it works, click here). With Geo Email Monitor, not only do you, as the marketer, have the ability to determine opens and clicks, but you can also determine the location of the subscriber who opened the email. By including this pixel into your email’s HTML code, Return Path collects your data and reports it back to our tools suite.

Once you start collecting this data, the possibilities are endless. For example, if you know that your lowest engagement activity comes from subscribers in Florida and New York, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to segment their respective campaigns? Well, now you have the power to send relevant emails on deals, like a sale on heavy winter jackets to your subscribers in New York and deals on swimsuits to your subscribers in Florida. This will drive opens and engagement in both regions. Or, with the help of Geo Email Monitor, you might find out, that on average, more of your subscribers on the east coast open their emails around 8 am, while more of your subscribers on the west coast open your emails around noon.

Not only is it important to ensure your emails are enticing enough to engage subscribers, but also that your messages arrive at the top of the inbox. Why spend time and energy creating content to drive opens and clicks if it doesn’t even have a fighting chance from the very beginning? With Geo Email Monitor, you can strategically place your emails at the top of the inbox, increasing the chances of subscriber engagement with your brand.

In today’s where world we receive emails on a consistent basis, it’s important to stand out from the rest of the crowd by sending the right message to the right people at the right time. It all starts with collecting your data and using it to make calculated decisions. With Return Path and Geo Email Monitor, you can make better marketing decisions, which will increase your ROI and make you the hero of your company.