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We’re excited to let you know about some improvements that we’ve recently made to our LiveTags that enable you to generate more revenue from and take greater control over your inventory. Here are some of the improvements we’ve made:

Serve Multiple Sizes Into The Same Ad Unit

Increase demand for each ad slot and raise eCPMs by choosing which ad size you want to serve in each LiveTag. Choose from a list of standard IAB sizes or add custom sizes to fit your needs.

Target Devices By Ad Size

With device targeting, you can choose which ad sizes you’d like to show up on Tablets, PCs, and Phones, or whether you’d like additional ad slots to only show up in a certain environment.

Control Collapsibility

Make your ad collapsible or static depending on your needs – if you only want to serve one ad size into your LiveTag, you can decide whether to make your ad slot static or collapsible.

Set Floors By Ad Size

Only allow certain sizes to serve if it’s worth it to you, and add LiveTags to your template that only appear when your most valuable audiences open.

Clients Results

Getting Started

The process for implementing the new LiveTags is the same as for old LiveTags. To update your existing LiveTags or to learn about the possibilities of adding incremental revenue with new LiveTags, reach out to your account team and we’ll be happy to walk you through the quick and easy implementation process.

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