How to Improve Customer Service in the Airline Industry

How to Improve Customer Service in the Airline Industry

There’s no two ways about it: COVID-19 has thrown the travel and airline industry into disarray like never before. Customer experience in the airline industry is complex and meandering, formed from a massive range of different elements — all the way from purchasing...
Creating a Sales Commission Plan [With Real-life Examples]

Creating a Sales Commission Plan [With Real-life Examples]

A Sales commission plan is an important part of any business as it helps attract and retain top sales superstars. Here is a comprehensive guide to 1. Different sales commission structures and 2. Creating the perfect sales commission plan for your business And most...
How to upload data from Facebook to Google BigQuery

How to upload data from Facebook to Google BigQuery

Facebook is the most popular social network globally, with more than 2.6 billion monthly active users. Not surprisingly, it has become a mandatory promotional channel for many businesses. More than 7 million advertisers promote their services on this platform. What’s...
QR Code Payments Explained: Will 2022 Be The Year of QR?

QR Code Payments Explained: Will 2022 Be The Year of QR?

The onset of the coronavirus brought concerns about the risks posed by traditional payment methods, especially those that required contact. As a result, people started looking for contactless, seamless, and secure payment options. This could explain why, according to...